AM-Standard - Risk assessment. Production control. Special assessment of working conditions

The AM-standard LLC company is engaged in carrying outspecial assessment of working conditions (SOUT), production control at enterprises in various industries,professional risk assessment, laboratory research both for enterprises and individuals. We offer a range of services for labor protection outsourcing, including consulting, education and more. Our specialists have accumulated extensive experience in all areas of their activities, and we guarantee our clients efficiency, impeccable quality of work and flexible prices. We will solve your problems at the highest level!

Company Services

Occupational risk assessment

The most important task in labor protection is to increase the reliability of the assessment of working conditions in the workplace. One of the assessment methods is the calculation of occupational risks and the development of appropriate measures to reduce their impact.

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Production control

All legal entities are required to conduct production control in order to comply with sanitary standards in production with the requirements of state control authorities.

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Special assessment of working conditions (SOUT) is a unified system of sequential measures that are aimed at determining the harmfulness or danger of the working environment or the labor process and assessing the degree of their impact on the body of enterprise workers.

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Laboratory research

Research conducted by the laboratory at the request of individuals or enterprises for the purpose of examining a home, home, or office. Qualified employees. All necessary instruments and equipment are available.

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The educational center

The AM-standard training center offers training for managers and specialists in the following programs: labor protection, electrical safety, fire safety, industrial safety.

Information about the educational organization
Tuition cost calculator

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Working time photo

Photographing an employee’s working day is an effective method for studying the work process. Analyzing an employee's working time allows you to increase labor efficiency, improve project manageability and reduce costs.

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Outsourcing of labor protection

Development from scratch of a labor protection system at the enterprise and its further control. Development of a complete package of documents on labor protection.

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Occupational safety consulting

Providing professional advice, information, legal and methodological support on issues of labor protection and social and labor relations.

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The occupational safety and health management system (OSMS) is an essential element of the enterprise structure, guaranteeing the safety of employees when fulfilling their labor obligations.

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Medical examination

As part of a range of services on occupational safety issues, we offer assistance in organizing medical examinations of workers.

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Fire equipment

Supply of fire fighting equipment and related products

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